Refereed Publications (Please limit the use of PDFs to single downloads for research and educational use.)
*Current/Former Graduate Student **Postdoctoral Associate/Visiting Scholar ***Undergraduate Researcher
Reaver, N.G.F**, D. Kaplan, H. Klammler, and J. Jawitz. In review. Explicit Analytical Inversion of the Parametric Budyko Equations. Journal of Hydrology MS# HYDROL62690 (submitted 6 September 2024).
Badylak, S. E. Phlips, E. Milbrandt, E. Morrison, B. Stelling, S. Lee, T. Frankovich, and D. Kaplan. In review. The Influence of regulated water discharges on phytoplankton composition and biomass in a subtropical canal. Journal of Plankton Research MS# JPR-2024-095 (submitted 24 June 2024).
Medina, M.**, M.W. Beck, J. Hecker, N. Iadevaia, B. Moody, C. Anastasiou, D. Tomasko, E.C. Milbrandt, D. Kaplan, and C. Angelini. In review. Decoupled nutrient and chlorophyll trends in a large subtropical estuary: Water quality trends at the Greater Charlotte Harbor estuaries in southwest Florida. Estuaries and Coasts MS# ESCO-S-24-00179 (submitted 30 April 2024).
Kang, Y.*, D. Kaplan, and M. Osland. In review. Mangrove freeze resistance and resilience across a tropical- temperate transitional zone. Journal of Ecology MS# JEcol-2024-0407 (submitted 22 April 2024).
Orozco-Lopez, E.** and D. Kaplan. In press. Interpretable Transformer Neural Network Prediction of Diverse Environmental Time Series Using Weather Forecasts. Water Resources Research MS# 2023WR036337 (accepted 3 September 2023).
Kang, Y.*, D. Kaplan, and M. Osland. 2024. Linking climate sensitivity of mangrove communities, populations, and individuals across a tropical-temperate transitional zone. Global Change Biology 112(6): 1256-1274. (PDF)
Montefiore, L.R.**, D. Kaplan, E.J. Phlips, E.C. Milbrandt, M. Arias, E. Morrison, and N.G. Nelson. 2024. Downstream Nutrient Concentrations Depend on Watershed Inputs More Than Reservoir Releases in a Highly Engineered Watershed. Water Resources Research 60 e2023WR035590. (PDF)
Fick, R**, M. Medina, C. Angelini, D. Kaplan, P. Gader, W. He, and G. Zheng. 2024. Fusing Remote Sensing Data with Spatiotemporal In-Situ Samples for Red Tide (Karenia brevis) Detection. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management . DOI: 10.1002/ieam.4908. (PDF)
Lee, D.*, J. Merrick. S. Rath*, M. Dukes, D. Kaplan, and W. Graham. 2024. Groundwater impacts of adding a winter carrot crop to corn-peanut rotations in the Suwannee River Basin, Florida. Agricultural Water Management 294 (2024) 108713. (PDF)
Kim, H.*, X. Yu, and D. Kaplan. 2024. Steady flow over a finite patch of submerged flexible vegetation. Water Resources Research 60 e2023WR03522. (PDF)
Kaalstad, S., M. Osland, ... , D. Kaplan, A. Langston*, N. Reaver**, ... , and C. Zamora-Tovar. 2023. Temperature thresholds for leaf damage from two extreme freeze events (2018 and 2021) near the northern range limit of black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) in southeastern North America. Estuaries and Coasts (2023). (PDF)
Bardou, R., M. Osland, S. Scyphers, ... , Y. Kang*, D. Kaplan, ... , and A. Hughes. 2023. Rapidly changing range limits in a warming world: critical data limitations and knowledge gaps for advancing understanding of mangrove range dynamics. Estuaries and Coasts, 2023, (PDF)
Martinez, M., M. Osland, ... , D. Kaplan, A. Langston*, N. Reaver**, ... , and C. Zamora-Tovar. 2023. Integrating remote sensing with ground-based observations to quantify the effects of an extreme freeze event on black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) at the landscape scale. Ecosystems (2023) (PDF)
Zacharias, Q.*** and D. Kaplan. 2023. The Past, Present, and Potential Future of Phosphorus Management in the Florida Everglades. Restoration Ecology, e13799, (PDF)
Acharya, S.**, D. Kaplan, D. McLaughlin, and M. Cohen. 2022. In-situ quantification and prediction of water yield from southern US pine forests. Water Resources Research 58, e2021WR01020.
Medina, M.**, D. Kaplan, E. Milbradnt, D. Tomasko, R. Huffaker, and C. Angelini. 2022. Nitrogen-enriched discharges from a highly managed watershed intensify red tide (Karenia brevis) blooms in southwest Florida. Science of the Total Environment (2022). (PDF)
Jumani, S.*, M. Deitch, D. Valle, S. Machado, V. Lecours, D. Kaplan, J. Krishnaswamy, and J. Howard. 2022. A New Index to Quantify Longitudinal River Fragmentation: Conservation and Management Implications. Ecological Indicators Volume 136, March 2022, 108680. (PDF)
Reaver, N. G. F.**, D. Kaplan, H. Klammler, and J. Jawitz. 2022. Theoretical and empirical evidence against the Budyko catchment trajectory conjecture. Hydrology & Earth System Sciences Hydrology and Earth Systems Sciences 26, 1507–1525, 2022. (PDF)
Hundemer, S.*, M. Monroe, and D. Kaplan. 2022. The water science communication problem: Water knowledge and the acceptance or rejection of water science. Journal of Hydrology 604: 127230. 2021. 127230. (PDF)
Haas, H.*, N.G.F. Reaver**, R. Karki, L. Kalin, P. Sirvastava, D. Kaplan, and C. Gonzalez-Benecke. 2022. Improving the representation of forests in hydrological models. Science of the Total Environment 151425. j.scitotenv.2021.151425. (PDF)
Alonso, A.*, N. Nelson, S. Yurek, D. Kaplan, M. Olabarrieta, and P. Frederick. 2022. Estimating the influence of oyster reef chains on freshwater detention at the estuary scale using Landsat-8 imagery. Estuaries and Coasts (2021) (PDF)
Baumgartner, L., P. Girard, D. Kaplan, and W. Collischonn. 2021. Balancing Hydropower and Freshwater Environments in the Global South. Frontiers in Environmental Science 9:762798. (PDF)
Swanson, C.*, D. Kaplan, K. Toh, E. Marques, and S. Bohlman. 2021. Changes in floodplain hydrology following serial damming of the Tocantins River in the eastern Amazon. Science of the Total Environment 800 (2021):149494. (PDF)
Siddiqui, S.*, X. Zapata-Rios, S. Torres-Paguay, A. Encalada, E. Anderson, M. Allaire***, C.R.C. Doria, and D. Kaplan. 2021. Flow Regimes of the Amazon Basin. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2021:1–24. (PDF)
White, E.* and D. Kaplan. 2021. Identifying the Effects of Chronic Saltwater Intrusion in Coastal Floodplain Swamps Using Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing of Environment 258: 112385. (PDF)
Rath, S.*, M.I. Zamora, M. Dukes, W. Graham, and D. Kaplan. 2021. Quantifying nitrate leaching to groundwater from a corn-peanut rotation under a variety of irrigation and nutrient management practices in the Suwannee River Basin, Florida. Agricultural Water Management 246(1):106634. (PDF)
Al-Quraishi, A* and D. Kaplan. 2021. Connecting changes in Euphrates River flow to hydropattern of the Western Mesopotamian Marshes. Science of the Total Environment 768, 144445. (PDF)
Jumani, S.*, M. Deitch, D. Kaplan, E. Anderson, J. Krishnaswamy, V. Lecours, and M. Whiles. 2020. River fragmentation and flow alteration metrics: a review of methods and directions for future research. Environmental Research Letters 15 (2020) 123009. (PDF)
Ely, P., I. Fantin da Cruz, H.M. Tritico, P. Girard, and D. Kaplan. 2020. Dam-induced hydrologic alterations in the rivers feeding the Pantanal. Frontiers in Environmental Science 8:579031. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2020.579031. (PDF)
Cruz, R.E.A**, D. Kaplan, P.B. Santos, A.O. Ávila-da-Silva, E.E. Marques, and V.J. Isaac. 2020. Trends and Drivers of Giant Catfish Catch in the Lower Amazon. Marine & Freshwater Research (PDF)
Langston, A.* and D. Kaplan. 2020. Modelling the effects of climate, predation, and dispersal on the poleward range expansion of black mangrove (Avicennia germinans). Ecological Modelling 434 (2020) 109245. (PDF)
Alonso, A.*, R. Muñoz-Carpena, and D. Kaplan. 2020. Coupling high-resolution water level sensors and MODIS for mapping wetland historical hydroperiod at high temporal frequency. Remote Sensing of Environment 247(15): 111807. (PDF)
Acharya, S.** D. McLaughlin, D. Kaplan, and M. Cohen. 2020. Estimating interception from near-surface soil moisture response. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24:1859–1870. (PDF)
Osland, M., R. Day, C. Hall, L. Feher, A. Armitgae, J. Cebrian, K. Dunton, R. Hughes, D. Kaplan, A. Langston*, A. Macy, C. Weaver, G. Anderson, K. Cummins, I. Feller, and C. Snyder. 2019. Temperature thresholds for black mangrove freeze damage, mortality, and recovery: refining tipping points for range expansion in a warming climate. Journal of Ecology 2019;00:1-12. (PDF)
Athayde, S., M. Mathews, S. Bohlman, W. Brasil, C.R.C. Doria, J. Dutka-Gianelli, P.M. Fearnside, B. Loiselle, E.M. Marques, T.S. Melis, B. Millikan, E.M. Moretto, A. Rossete, R. Vacca, A. Oliver-Smith, and D. Kaplan. 2019. Mapping Research on Hydropower and Sustainability in the Brazilian Amazon: Advances, Gaps in Knowledge and Future Directions. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2019(37):50–69. DOI: (PDF)
Reaver, N.G.F*., D. Kaplan, R.A. Mattson, E. Carter, P.V. Sucsy, and T.K. Frazer. 2019. Hydrodynamic controls on primary producer communities in spring-fed rivers. Geophysical Research Letters 46(9):4715-4725.
Valle, D. and D. Kaplan. 2019. Quantifying the Impact of Dams on Riverine Hydrology under Non-stationary Conditions using Incomplete Data. Science of the Total Environment 677(2019):599-611.
Henson, K.A.*, J.W. Campbell, and D. Kaplan. 2019. Range extension of Megachile lanata (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), a non-native sunn hemp pollinator, in Florida. Florida Entomologist 102(1):259-261. DOI: (PDF)
Southworth, J. E. Bunting, L. Zhu, S. Ryan, H. Herrero, P. Waylen, R. Muñoz-Carpena, M. Campo-Bescós, and D. Kaplan. 2019. Using a coupled dynamic factor–random forest analysis (DFRFA) to reveal drivers of spatiotemporal heterogeneity in the Semi-Arid Regions of Southern Africa. PLOS ONE 13(12), p.e0208400. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0208400. (PDF)
Nelson, N.*, R. Muñoz-Carpena, E. Phlips, D. Kaplan, P. Sucsy, and J. Hendrickson. 2018. Revealing biotic and abiotic controls of harmful algal blooms in a shallow subtropical lake through statistical machine learning. Environmental Science & Technology 52 (6):3527–3535. DOI:10.1021/acs.est.7b05884. (PDF)
Jones, C.**, D. McLaughlin, K. Henson*, C. Haas, and D. Kaplan. 2018. From Salamanders to Greenhouse Gases: Does upland management affect wetland function. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. DOI:10.1002/fee.1744. (PDF)
Weinkam, G.*, Brown, M.T., Kaplan, D., Clark, M., and M. Cohen. 2018. Fate and Transport Potential of Phosphorus in Sandy Soils Under Long-Term Municipal Wastewater Irrigation. Florida Water Resources Journal Jan 2018:22-30. (PDF)
Doria, C.R.C, S. Athayde, E.E. Marques, M.A.L. Lima**, J. Dutka-Gianelli, M.L. Ruffino, D. Kaplan, C. Freitas, and V. Isaac. 2017. The invisibility of fisheries in the process of hydropower development across the Amazon. Ambio 2017:1-13. DOI:10.1007/s13280-017-0994-7. (PDF)
Larsen, L., J. Ma, and D. Kaplan. 2017. How important is connectivity for surface-water fluxes? A generalized expression for flow through heterogeneous landscapes. Geophysical Research Letters 44. DOI:10.1002/2017GL075432. (PDF)
Timpe, K.* and D. Kaplan. 2017. The changing hydrology of a dammed Amazon. Science Advances 3(11):e170061.
DOI:10.1126/sciadv.1700611. (PDF)
Benjamin, J.*** and D. Kaplan. 2017. Development of a Fine-scale Laser-based Water Level Sensor. Journal of Undergraduate Research 18(3):1-6. (PDF)
Lima, M.A.L.**, D. Kaplan, and C. Doria. 2017. Hydrological controls of fisheries production in a major Amazonian tributary. Ecohydrology 2017(10):e1899. DOI:10.1002/eco.1899. (PDF)
Langston, A.*, D. Kaplan, and F. Putz. 2017. A casualty of climate change? Loss of freshwater forest islands on Florida’s Gulf Coast. Global Change Biology 00 (1–14).DOI: (PDF)
Acharya, S.**, D. Kaplan, J. Jawitz, and M. Cohen. 2017. Doing Ecohydrology Backward: Inferring Historical Everglades Flow from Landscape Patterns. Water Resources Research 53. DOI:10.1002/2017WR020516. (PDF)
Langston, A.*, D. Kaplan, and C. Angelini. 2017. Biotic and abiotic controls on the northern range expansion of black mangrove (Avicennia germinans). Hydrobiologia DOI:10.1007/s10750-017-3197-0. (PDF)
Su, F.**, D. Kaplan, L. Li , H. Li , F. Song, and H. Liu. 2017. Identifying and classifying pollution hotspots to guide watershed management in a large multiuse watershed. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (MDPI) 14(260). DOI:10.3390/ijerph14030260. (PDF)
White, E.* and D. Kaplan. 2017. Restore or Retreat? Saltwater Intrusion and Water Management in Coastal Wetlands. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability (ESA)3(1): e01258. DOI: 10.1002/ehs2.1258. (PDF).
Kaplan, D., M. Olabarrieta, P. Frederick, and A. Valle-Levinson. 2016. Freshwater Detention by Oyster Reefs: Quantifying a keystone ecosystem service. PLOS ONE 11(12): e0167694. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0167694. (PDF)
Casey, S., M.J. Cohen, S. Acharya**, D. Kaplan, and J. Jawitz. 2016. On the spatial organization of the Ridge-Slough Patterned Landscape, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20, 4457-4467, DOI:10.5194/hess-20-4457-2016. (PDF)
Johnson, A.***, N. Reaver*, and D. Kaplan. 2016. Evaluating the Raz-Rru tracer system for use in Florida Springs. Journal of Undergraduate Research 17(3)1-6. (PDF)
Tucker Lima, J.M., D. Valle, E. Mateus Moretto, L.E. Cordeiro Beduschi, E. Albiach Branco, V.L. da Silva Carvalhaes, C.P. Franco Okamoto, A. Salles Praia, S.M. Paiva Pulice, D. Rondinelli Roquetti, N. Lucia Zuca, B. Barbezani***, E. Labandera***, K. Timpe*, and D. Kaplan. 2016. A social-ecological database to advance research on infrastructure development impacts in the Brazilian Amazon. Nature - Scientific Data 3:160071.
DOI:10.1038/sdata.2016.71. (PDF)
Palacio, D.*, D. Kaplan, and J. Mossa. 2016. A synthesis of stream restoration efforts in Florida (USA). River Research and Applications 32(7):1555-1565. DOI:10.1002/rra.3014. (PDF)
Watts, A., C. Schmidt, D. McLaughlin, and D. Kaplan.2015. Hydrologic implications of smoldering fires in wetland landscapes. Freshwater Science 34(4). DOI:10.1086\683484. (PDF)
Yuan, J.*, M. Cohen, D. Kaplan, S. Acharya**, L. Larsen, and M. Nungesser. 2015. Linking metrics of landscape pattern to hydrological process in a lotic wetland. Landscape Ecology 219:1-20. DOI:10.1007/s10980-015-0219-z. (PDF)
Acharya, S.**, D. Kaplan, S. Casey, M.J. Cohen, and J. Jawitz. 2015. Coupled local facilitation and global hydrologic inhibition drive landscape geometry in a patterned peatland, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19, 2133-2144. DOI:10.5194/hess-19-2133-2015. (PDF)
Blair, S., C. Adams, T. Ankersen, M. McGuire, and D. Kaplan. 2015. Ecosystem services valuation for estuarine and coastal restoration in Florida. Florida Sea Grant /IFAS Extension Publication TP-204. University of Florida, Gainesville. (PDF)
Zhang, Y.**, R. Wang, D. Kaplan, and J. Liu. 2015. Which components of plant diversity are most correlated with ecosystem properties? A case study in a restored wetland in northern China. Ecological Indicators, 49:228-236. DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.10.001. (PDF)
McLaughlin, D., D. Kaplan, and M.J. Cohen. 2014. A Significant Nexus: Geographically Isolated Wetlands Influence Landscape Hydrology. Water Resources Research 50:7153–7166. DOI:10.1002/2013WR015002. (PDF)
Kaplan, D., M. Bachelin, C. Yu, R. Muñoz-Carpena, T. Potter, and W. Rodríguez Chacón. 2014. A hydrologic tracer study in a small, natural wetland in the humid tropics of Costa Rica. Wetlands Ecology and Management. DOI:10.1007/s11273-014-9367-1 (PDF)
McLaughlin, D., M. Carlson Mazur, D. Kaplan, and M. Cohen. 2014. Estimating effective specific yield in inundated conditions: a comment on a recent application. Ecohydrology. DOI:10.1002/eco.1522 (PDF).
Watts, A., D. Watts, M. Cohen, J. Heffernan, D. McLaughlin, J. Martin , D. Kaplan, A. Murray, T. Osborne, and L. Kobziar. 2014. Evidence of biogeomorphic patterning in a low-relief karst landscape. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. DOI:10.1002/esp.3597 (PDF).
Kaplan, D. and R. Muñoz-Carpena. 2014. Groundwater salinity in a floodplain forest impacted by saltwater intrusion. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 169:19-36. DOI: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2014.04.005. (PDF)
Campo-Bescos, M.**, R. Muñoz-Carpena, D. Kaplan, J. Southworth, L. Zhu, and P. Waylen. 2013. Beyond precipitation: Physiographic thresholds dictate the relative importance of environmental drivers on savanna vegetation. PLOS ONE 8(8):e72348. DOI:10.1371/pone.0072348. (PDF)
McLaughlin, D.L., D. Kaplan, and M.J. Cohen. 2013. Managing Forests for Increased Regional Water Yield. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 49(4):953-965. DOI:10.1111/jawr.12073. (PDF)
Kaplan, D., R. Paudel, M. Cohen, and J. Jawitz. 2012. Orientation matters: Patch anisotropy controls discharge competence and hydroperiod in a patterned peatland. Geophysical Research Letters 39: L17401. doi:10.1029/2012GL052754. (PDF)
Kaplan, D., M. Bachelin, R. Muñoz-Carpena, and W. Rodríguez Chacón. 2011. Hydrological importance and water quality treatment potential of a small freshwater wetland in the humid tropics of Costa Rica. Wetlands 31(6):117-1130. doi:10.1007/s13157-011-0222-3. (PDF)
Kaplan, D. and R. Muñoz-Carpena. 2011. Complementary effects of surface water and groundwater on soil moisture dynamics in a degraded coastal floodplain forest. Journal of Hydrology 398(3-4):221-234. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.12.019. (PDF)
Mortl, A., R. Muñoz-Carpena, and D. Kaplan. 2011. Calibration of a combined dielectric probe for soil moisture and porewater salinity measurement in three southeastern (USA) coastal floodplain soils. Geoderma 161(1-2):50-62. doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2010.12.007. (PDF)
Kaplan, D., R. Muñoz-Carpena, and A. Ritter. 2010. Untangling complex shallow groundwater dynamics in the floodplain wetlands of a southeastern U.S. coastal river. Water Resources Research 46, W08528. doi:10.1029/2009WR009038. (PDF)
Kaplan, D., R. Muñoz-Carpena, Y. Wan, M. Hedgepeth, F. Zheng, R. Roberts, and R. Rossmanith. 2010. Linking river, floodplain, and vadose zone hydrology to improve restoration of a coastal river impacted by saltwater intrusion. Journal of Environmental Quality 39(5):1570-1584. doi:10.2134/jeq2009.0375. (PDF)
Kaplan, D., R. Muñoz-Carpena, Y.C. Li, Y. Wan, M. Hedgepeth, R. Roberts. 2008. Altered Hydroperiod and Saltwater Intrusion in the Bald Cypress Swamps of the Loxahatchee River. In: Proceedings of the 20th Salt Water Intrusion Meeting, Naples, Florida, June 2008. pp. 109-112. (PDF)
Kaplan, D., R. Muñoz-Carpena, A. Mortl, Y.C. Li. 2007. Humedad y salinidad del suelo en un pantano de ciprés calvo (Taxodium distichum) impactado por intrusión de agua salina. In: J.V. Giráldez Cervera and F.J. Jiménez Hornero (eds.) Estudios de la Zona No Saturada del Suelo Vol. VIII, pp. 257-266. Cordoba (Spain). ISBN: 84-690-7893-8. (PDF)
Masters, A., K.A. Flahive, S. Mostaghimi, D.H. Vaughan, A. Mendez, M. Peterie, S. Radke, A. Davisson, M. Hunter, and D. Kaplan. 2000. A comparative investigation of the effectiveness of polyacrylamide (PAM) for erosion control in urban areas. In: Proceedings of the 2000 ASAE Annual International Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, July 2000. pp. 1-22.
Reaver, N.G.F**, D. Kaplan, H. Klammler, and J. Jawitz. In review. Explicit Analytical Inversion of the Parametric Budyko Equations. Journal of Hydrology MS# HYDROL62690 (submitted 6 September 2024).
Badylak, S. E. Phlips, E. Milbrandt, E. Morrison, B. Stelling, S. Lee, T. Frankovich, and D. Kaplan. In review. The Influence of regulated water discharges on phytoplankton composition and biomass in a subtropical canal. Journal of Plankton Research MS# JPR-2024-095 (submitted 24 June 2024).
Medina, M.**, M.W. Beck, J. Hecker, N. Iadevaia, B. Moody, C. Anastasiou, D. Tomasko, E.C. Milbrandt, D. Kaplan, and C. Angelini. In review. Decoupled nutrient and chlorophyll trends in a large subtropical estuary: Water quality trends at the Greater Charlotte Harbor estuaries in southwest Florida. Estuaries and Coasts MS# ESCO-S-24-00179 (submitted 30 April 2024).
Kang, Y.*, D. Kaplan, and M. Osland. In review. Mangrove freeze resistance and resilience across a tropical- temperate transitional zone. Journal of Ecology MS# JEcol-2024-0407 (submitted 22 April 2024).
Orozco-Lopez, E.** and D. Kaplan. In press. Interpretable Transformer Neural Network Prediction of Diverse Environmental Time Series Using Weather Forecasts. Water Resources Research MS# 2023WR036337 (accepted 3 September 2023).
Kang, Y.*, D. Kaplan, and M. Osland. 2024. Linking climate sensitivity of mangrove communities, populations, and individuals across a tropical-temperate transitional zone. Global Change Biology 112(6): 1256-1274. (PDF)
Montefiore, L.R.**, D. Kaplan, E.J. Phlips, E.C. Milbrandt, M. Arias, E. Morrison, and N.G. Nelson. 2024. Downstream Nutrient Concentrations Depend on Watershed Inputs More Than Reservoir Releases in a Highly Engineered Watershed. Water Resources Research 60 e2023WR035590. (PDF)
Fick, R**, M. Medina, C. Angelini, D. Kaplan, P. Gader, W. He, and G. Zheng. 2024. Fusing Remote Sensing Data with Spatiotemporal In-Situ Samples for Red Tide (Karenia brevis) Detection. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management . DOI: 10.1002/ieam.4908. (PDF)
Lee, D.*, J. Merrick. S. Rath*, M. Dukes, D. Kaplan, and W. Graham. 2024. Groundwater impacts of adding a winter carrot crop to corn-peanut rotations in the Suwannee River Basin, Florida. Agricultural Water Management 294 (2024) 108713. (PDF)
Kim, H.*, X. Yu, and D. Kaplan. 2024. Steady flow over a finite patch of submerged flexible vegetation. Water Resources Research 60 e2023WR03522. (PDF)
Kaalstad, S., M. Osland, ... , D. Kaplan, A. Langston*, N. Reaver**, ... , and C. Zamora-Tovar. 2023. Temperature thresholds for leaf damage from two extreme freeze events (2018 and 2021) near the northern range limit of black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) in southeastern North America. Estuaries and Coasts (2023). (PDF)
Bardou, R., M. Osland, S. Scyphers, ... , Y. Kang*, D. Kaplan, ... , and A. Hughes. 2023. Rapidly changing range limits in a warming world: critical data limitations and knowledge gaps for advancing understanding of mangrove range dynamics. Estuaries and Coasts, 2023, (PDF)
Martinez, M., M. Osland, ... , D. Kaplan, A. Langston*, N. Reaver**, ... , and C. Zamora-Tovar. 2023. Integrating remote sensing with ground-based observations to quantify the effects of an extreme freeze event on black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) at the landscape scale. Ecosystems (2023) (PDF)
Zacharias, Q.*** and D. Kaplan. 2023. The Past, Present, and Potential Future of Phosphorus Management in the Florida Everglades. Restoration Ecology, e13799, (PDF)
Acharya, S.**, D. Kaplan, D. McLaughlin, and M. Cohen. 2022. In-situ quantification and prediction of water yield from southern US pine forests. Water Resources Research 58, e2021WR01020.
Medina, M.**, D. Kaplan, E. Milbradnt, D. Tomasko, R. Huffaker, and C. Angelini. 2022. Nitrogen-enriched discharges from a highly managed watershed intensify red tide (Karenia brevis) blooms in southwest Florida. Science of the Total Environment (2022). (PDF)
Jumani, S.*, M. Deitch, D. Valle, S. Machado, V. Lecours, D. Kaplan, J. Krishnaswamy, and J. Howard. 2022. A New Index to Quantify Longitudinal River Fragmentation: Conservation and Management Implications. Ecological Indicators Volume 136, March 2022, 108680. (PDF)
Reaver, N. G. F.**, D. Kaplan, H. Klammler, and J. Jawitz. 2022. Theoretical and empirical evidence against the Budyko catchment trajectory conjecture. Hydrology & Earth System Sciences Hydrology and Earth Systems Sciences 26, 1507–1525, 2022. (PDF)
Hundemer, S.*, M. Monroe, and D. Kaplan. 2022. The water science communication problem: Water knowledge and the acceptance or rejection of water science. Journal of Hydrology 604: 127230. 2021. 127230. (PDF)
Haas, H.*, N.G.F. Reaver**, R. Karki, L. Kalin, P. Sirvastava, D. Kaplan, and C. Gonzalez-Benecke. 2022. Improving the representation of forests in hydrological models. Science of the Total Environment 151425. j.scitotenv.2021.151425. (PDF)
Alonso, A.*, N. Nelson, S. Yurek, D. Kaplan, M. Olabarrieta, and P. Frederick. 2022. Estimating the influence of oyster reef chains on freshwater detention at the estuary scale using Landsat-8 imagery. Estuaries and Coasts (2021) (PDF)
Baumgartner, L., P. Girard, D. Kaplan, and W. Collischonn. 2021. Balancing Hydropower and Freshwater Environments in the Global South. Frontiers in Environmental Science 9:762798. (PDF)
Swanson, C.*, D. Kaplan, K. Toh, E. Marques, and S. Bohlman. 2021. Changes in floodplain hydrology following serial damming of the Tocantins River in the eastern Amazon. Science of the Total Environment 800 (2021):149494. (PDF)
Siddiqui, S.*, X. Zapata-Rios, S. Torres-Paguay, A. Encalada, E. Anderson, M. Allaire***, C.R.C. Doria, and D. Kaplan. 2021. Flow Regimes of the Amazon Basin. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2021:1–24. (PDF)
White, E.* and D. Kaplan. 2021. Identifying the Effects of Chronic Saltwater Intrusion in Coastal Floodplain Swamps Using Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing of Environment 258: 112385. (PDF)
Rath, S.*, M.I. Zamora, M. Dukes, W. Graham, and D. Kaplan. 2021. Quantifying nitrate leaching to groundwater from a corn-peanut rotation under a variety of irrigation and nutrient management practices in the Suwannee River Basin, Florida. Agricultural Water Management 246(1):106634. (PDF)
Al-Quraishi, A* and D. Kaplan. 2021. Connecting changes in Euphrates River flow to hydropattern of the Western Mesopotamian Marshes. Science of the Total Environment 768, 144445. (PDF)
Jumani, S.*, M. Deitch, D. Kaplan, E. Anderson, J. Krishnaswamy, V. Lecours, and M. Whiles. 2020. River fragmentation and flow alteration metrics: a review of methods and directions for future research. Environmental Research Letters 15 (2020) 123009. (PDF)
Ely, P., I. Fantin da Cruz, H.M. Tritico, P. Girard, and D. Kaplan. 2020. Dam-induced hydrologic alterations in the rivers feeding the Pantanal. Frontiers in Environmental Science 8:579031. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2020.579031. (PDF)
Cruz, R.E.A**, D. Kaplan, P.B. Santos, A.O. Ávila-da-Silva, E.E. Marques, and V.J. Isaac. 2020. Trends and Drivers of Giant Catfish Catch in the Lower Amazon. Marine & Freshwater Research (PDF)
Langston, A.* and D. Kaplan. 2020. Modelling the effects of climate, predation, and dispersal on the poleward range expansion of black mangrove (Avicennia germinans). Ecological Modelling 434 (2020) 109245. (PDF)
Alonso, A.*, R. Muñoz-Carpena, and D. Kaplan. 2020. Coupling high-resolution water level sensors and MODIS for mapping wetland historical hydroperiod at high temporal frequency. Remote Sensing of Environment 247(15): 111807. (PDF)
Acharya, S.** D. McLaughlin, D. Kaplan, and M. Cohen. 2020. Estimating interception from near-surface soil moisture response. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24:1859–1870. (PDF)
Osland, M., R. Day, C. Hall, L. Feher, A. Armitgae, J. Cebrian, K. Dunton, R. Hughes, D. Kaplan, A. Langston*, A. Macy, C. Weaver, G. Anderson, K. Cummins, I. Feller, and C. Snyder. 2019. Temperature thresholds for black mangrove freeze damage, mortality, and recovery: refining tipping points for range expansion in a warming climate. Journal of Ecology 2019;00:1-12. (PDF)
Athayde, S., M. Mathews, S. Bohlman, W. Brasil, C.R.C. Doria, J. Dutka-Gianelli, P.M. Fearnside, B. Loiselle, E.M. Marques, T.S. Melis, B. Millikan, E.M. Moretto, A. Rossete, R. Vacca, A. Oliver-Smith, and D. Kaplan. 2019. Mapping Research on Hydropower and Sustainability in the Brazilian Amazon: Advances, Gaps in Knowledge and Future Directions. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2019(37):50–69. DOI: (PDF)
Reaver, N.G.F*., D. Kaplan, R.A. Mattson, E. Carter, P.V. Sucsy, and T.K. Frazer. 2019. Hydrodynamic controls on primary producer communities in spring-fed rivers. Geophysical Research Letters 46(9):4715-4725.
Valle, D. and D. Kaplan. 2019. Quantifying the Impact of Dams on Riverine Hydrology under Non-stationary Conditions using Incomplete Data. Science of the Total Environment 677(2019):599-611.
Henson, K.A.*, J.W. Campbell, and D. Kaplan. 2019. Range extension of Megachile lanata (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), a non-native sunn hemp pollinator, in Florida. Florida Entomologist 102(1):259-261. DOI: (PDF)
Southworth, J. E. Bunting, L. Zhu, S. Ryan, H. Herrero, P. Waylen, R. Muñoz-Carpena, M. Campo-Bescós, and D. Kaplan. 2019. Using a coupled dynamic factor–random forest analysis (DFRFA) to reveal drivers of spatiotemporal heterogeneity in the Semi-Arid Regions of Southern Africa. PLOS ONE 13(12), p.e0208400. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0208400. (PDF)
Nelson, N.*, R. Muñoz-Carpena, E. Phlips, D. Kaplan, P. Sucsy, and J. Hendrickson. 2018. Revealing biotic and abiotic controls of harmful algal blooms in a shallow subtropical lake through statistical machine learning. Environmental Science & Technology 52 (6):3527–3535. DOI:10.1021/acs.est.7b05884. (PDF)
Jones, C.**, D. McLaughlin, K. Henson*, C. Haas, and D. Kaplan. 2018. From Salamanders to Greenhouse Gases: Does upland management affect wetland function. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. DOI:10.1002/fee.1744. (PDF)
Weinkam, G.*, Brown, M.T., Kaplan, D., Clark, M., and M. Cohen. 2018. Fate and Transport Potential of Phosphorus in Sandy Soils Under Long-Term Municipal Wastewater Irrigation. Florida Water Resources Journal Jan 2018:22-30. (PDF)
Doria, C.R.C, S. Athayde, E.E. Marques, M.A.L. Lima**, J. Dutka-Gianelli, M.L. Ruffino, D. Kaplan, C. Freitas, and V. Isaac. 2017. The invisibility of fisheries in the process of hydropower development across the Amazon. Ambio 2017:1-13. DOI:10.1007/s13280-017-0994-7. (PDF)
Larsen, L., J. Ma, and D. Kaplan. 2017. How important is connectivity for surface-water fluxes? A generalized expression for flow through heterogeneous landscapes. Geophysical Research Letters 44. DOI:10.1002/2017GL075432. (PDF)
Timpe, K.* and D. Kaplan. 2017. The changing hydrology of a dammed Amazon. Science Advances 3(11):e170061.
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Benjamin, J.*** and D. Kaplan. 2017. Development of a Fine-scale Laser-based Water Level Sensor. Journal of Undergraduate Research 18(3):1-6. (PDF)
Lima, M.A.L.**, D. Kaplan, and C. Doria. 2017. Hydrological controls of fisheries production in a major Amazonian tributary. Ecohydrology 2017(10):e1899. DOI:10.1002/eco.1899. (PDF)
Langston, A.*, D. Kaplan, and F. Putz. 2017. A casualty of climate change? Loss of freshwater forest islands on Florida’s Gulf Coast. Global Change Biology 00 (1–14).DOI: (PDF)
Acharya, S.**, D. Kaplan, J. Jawitz, and M. Cohen. 2017. Doing Ecohydrology Backward: Inferring Historical Everglades Flow from Landscape Patterns. Water Resources Research 53. DOI:10.1002/2017WR020516. (PDF)
Langston, A.*, D. Kaplan, and C. Angelini. 2017. Biotic and abiotic controls on the northern range expansion of black mangrove (Avicennia germinans). Hydrobiologia DOI:10.1007/s10750-017-3197-0. (PDF)
Su, F.**, D. Kaplan, L. Li , H. Li , F. Song, and H. Liu. 2017. Identifying and classifying pollution hotspots to guide watershed management in a large multiuse watershed. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (MDPI) 14(260). DOI:10.3390/ijerph14030260. (PDF)
White, E.* and D. Kaplan. 2017. Restore or Retreat? Saltwater Intrusion and Water Management in Coastal Wetlands. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability (ESA)3(1): e01258. DOI: 10.1002/ehs2.1258. (PDF).
Kaplan, D., M. Olabarrieta, P. Frederick, and A. Valle-Levinson. 2016. Freshwater Detention by Oyster Reefs: Quantifying a keystone ecosystem service. PLOS ONE 11(12): e0167694. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0167694. (PDF)
Casey, S., M.J. Cohen, S. Acharya**, D. Kaplan, and J. Jawitz. 2016. On the spatial organization of the Ridge-Slough Patterned Landscape, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20, 4457-4467, DOI:10.5194/hess-20-4457-2016. (PDF)
Johnson, A.***, N. Reaver*, and D. Kaplan. 2016. Evaluating the Raz-Rru tracer system for use in Florida Springs. Journal of Undergraduate Research 17(3)1-6. (PDF)
Tucker Lima, J.M., D. Valle, E. Mateus Moretto, L.E. Cordeiro Beduschi, E. Albiach Branco, V.L. da Silva Carvalhaes, C.P. Franco Okamoto, A. Salles Praia, S.M. Paiva Pulice, D. Rondinelli Roquetti, N. Lucia Zuca, B. Barbezani***, E. Labandera***, K. Timpe*, and D. Kaplan. 2016. A social-ecological database to advance research on infrastructure development impacts in the Brazilian Amazon. Nature - Scientific Data 3:160071.
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Palacio, D.*, D. Kaplan, and J. Mossa. 2016. A synthesis of stream restoration efforts in Florida (USA). River Research and Applications 32(7):1555-1565. DOI:10.1002/rra.3014. (PDF)
Watts, A., C. Schmidt, D. McLaughlin, and D. Kaplan.2015. Hydrologic implications of smoldering fires in wetland landscapes. Freshwater Science 34(4). DOI:10.1086\683484. (PDF)
Yuan, J.*, M. Cohen, D. Kaplan, S. Acharya**, L. Larsen, and M. Nungesser. 2015. Linking metrics of landscape pattern to hydrological process in a lotic wetland. Landscape Ecology 219:1-20. DOI:10.1007/s10980-015-0219-z. (PDF)
Acharya, S.**, D. Kaplan, S. Casey, M.J. Cohen, and J. Jawitz. 2015. Coupled local facilitation and global hydrologic inhibition drive landscape geometry in a patterned peatland, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19, 2133-2144. DOI:10.5194/hess-19-2133-2015. (PDF)
Blair, S., C. Adams, T. Ankersen, M. McGuire, and D. Kaplan. 2015. Ecosystem services valuation for estuarine and coastal restoration in Florida. Florida Sea Grant /IFAS Extension Publication TP-204. University of Florida, Gainesville. (PDF)
Zhang, Y.**, R. Wang, D. Kaplan, and J. Liu. 2015. Which components of plant diversity are most correlated with ecosystem properties? A case study in a restored wetland in northern China. Ecological Indicators, 49:228-236. DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.10.001. (PDF)
McLaughlin, D., D. Kaplan, and M.J. Cohen. 2014. A Significant Nexus: Geographically Isolated Wetlands Influence Landscape Hydrology. Water Resources Research 50:7153–7166. DOI:10.1002/2013WR015002. (PDF)
Kaplan, D., M. Bachelin, C. Yu, R. Muñoz-Carpena, T. Potter, and W. Rodríguez Chacón. 2014. A hydrologic tracer study in a small, natural wetland in the humid tropics of Costa Rica. Wetlands Ecology and Management. DOI:10.1007/s11273-014-9367-1 (PDF)
McLaughlin, D., M. Carlson Mazur, D. Kaplan, and M. Cohen. 2014. Estimating effective specific yield in inundated conditions: a comment on a recent application. Ecohydrology. DOI:10.1002/eco.1522 (PDF).
Watts, A., D. Watts, M. Cohen, J. Heffernan, D. McLaughlin, J. Martin , D. Kaplan, A. Murray, T. Osborne, and L. Kobziar. 2014. Evidence of biogeomorphic patterning in a low-relief karst landscape. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. DOI:10.1002/esp.3597 (PDF).
Kaplan, D. and R. Muñoz-Carpena. 2014. Groundwater salinity in a floodplain forest impacted by saltwater intrusion. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 169:19-36. DOI: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2014.04.005. (PDF)
Campo-Bescos, M.**, R. Muñoz-Carpena, D. Kaplan, J. Southworth, L. Zhu, and P. Waylen. 2013. Beyond precipitation: Physiographic thresholds dictate the relative importance of environmental drivers on savanna vegetation. PLOS ONE 8(8):e72348. DOI:10.1371/pone.0072348. (PDF)
McLaughlin, D.L., D. Kaplan, and M.J. Cohen. 2013. Managing Forests for Increased Regional Water Yield. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 49(4):953-965. DOI:10.1111/jawr.12073. (PDF)
Kaplan, D., R. Paudel, M. Cohen, and J. Jawitz. 2012. Orientation matters: Patch anisotropy controls discharge competence and hydroperiod in a patterned peatland. Geophysical Research Letters 39: L17401. doi:10.1029/2012GL052754. (PDF)
Kaplan, D., M. Bachelin, R. Muñoz-Carpena, and W. Rodríguez Chacón. 2011. Hydrological importance and water quality treatment potential of a small freshwater wetland in the humid tropics of Costa Rica. Wetlands 31(6):117-1130. doi:10.1007/s13157-011-0222-3. (PDF)
Kaplan, D. and R. Muñoz-Carpena. 2011. Complementary effects of surface water and groundwater on soil moisture dynamics in a degraded coastal floodplain forest. Journal of Hydrology 398(3-4):221-234. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.12.019. (PDF)
Mortl, A., R. Muñoz-Carpena, and D. Kaplan. 2011. Calibration of a combined dielectric probe for soil moisture and porewater salinity measurement in three southeastern (USA) coastal floodplain soils. Geoderma 161(1-2):50-62. doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2010.12.007. (PDF)
Kaplan, D., R. Muñoz-Carpena, and A. Ritter. 2010. Untangling complex shallow groundwater dynamics in the floodplain wetlands of a southeastern U.S. coastal river. Water Resources Research 46, W08528. doi:10.1029/2009WR009038. (PDF)
Kaplan, D., R. Muñoz-Carpena, Y. Wan, M. Hedgepeth, F. Zheng, R. Roberts, and R. Rossmanith. 2010. Linking river, floodplain, and vadose zone hydrology to improve restoration of a coastal river impacted by saltwater intrusion. Journal of Environmental Quality 39(5):1570-1584. doi:10.2134/jeq2009.0375. (PDF)
Kaplan, D., R. Muñoz-Carpena, Y.C. Li, Y. Wan, M. Hedgepeth, R. Roberts. 2008. Altered Hydroperiod and Saltwater Intrusion in the Bald Cypress Swamps of the Loxahatchee River. In: Proceedings of the 20th Salt Water Intrusion Meeting, Naples, Florida, June 2008. pp. 109-112. (PDF)
Kaplan, D., R. Muñoz-Carpena, A. Mortl, Y.C. Li. 2007. Humedad y salinidad del suelo en un pantano de ciprés calvo (Taxodium distichum) impactado por intrusión de agua salina. In: J.V. Giráldez Cervera and F.J. Jiménez Hornero (eds.) Estudios de la Zona No Saturada del Suelo Vol. VIII, pp. 257-266. Cordoba (Spain). ISBN: 84-690-7893-8. (PDF)
Masters, A., K.A. Flahive, S. Mostaghimi, D.H. Vaughan, A. Mendez, M. Peterie, S. Radke, A. Davisson, M. Hunter, and D. Kaplan. 2000. A comparative investigation of the effectiveness of polyacrylamide (PAM) for erosion control in urban areas. In: Proceedings of the 2000 ASAE Annual International Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, July 2000. pp. 1-22.